Intervals up to one octave
The following are the intervals up to one octave. According to standard
interval naming, each interval semitone span has two names - both are
shown. Where appropriate, the diatonic names are given first, as they
are more common ('diatonic' intervals are those produced by the major
and minor scales - all others are 'chromatic' intervals). The name used
for the interval depends on its context within the music - refer to
musical theory books.
Because of the Balanced keyboard's regular and consistent layout, the
physical key spacings of these intervals are the same across the whole
keyboard. There are two mirror-image shapes for each interval, one for a
bottom-row starting note and one for a top-row starting note.
Minor 2nd / augmented
unison - 1 semitone |
Major 2nd / diminished
3rd - 2 semitones |
Minor 3rd / augmented
2nd - 3 semitones |
Major 3rd / diminished
4th - 4 semitones |
Perfect 4th / augmented
3rd - 5 semitones |
Augmented 4th /
diminished 5th - 6 semitones |
Perfect 5th /
diminished 6th - 7 semitones |
Minor 6th / augmented
5th - 8 semitones |
Major 6th / diminished
7th - 9 semitones |
Minor 7th / augmented
6th - 10 semitones |
Major 7th / diminished
octave - 11 semitones |
Perfect octave /
augmented 7th - 12 semitones |